Tie and Tease massage

Tantric Massage Tantric massage will make you feel as if you are in a trance, where physical boundaries dissolve, time disappears, worries and problems no longer seem important, or are forgotten altogether.  It will be just me and you in our own sensual world – surrender to bliss in my soft caring arms.I will gently massage you using warm aromatic oil. No part of your body will escape my attention. Your energy flow is stimulated and senses are awakened as your body’s sensitivity gradually increases. Your entire body will be massaged, including/especially erogenous areas- giving more attention to that side…everything will accumulate and the pressure will be released at the end of the massage and you’ll be left relaxed, at peace.

Perceptions of sensuality and lust are located here, but these “intimate areas” are an important source of joy and fulfilment in life. You will feel relaxed, yet wide-awake. You will be coached to breathe properly, as you sink into yet deeper level of relaxation.


During this extraordinarily loving ceremony you will be completely nurtured and pampered in my arms, providing you with a feeling of comfort and sense of well being.

Some has described this incomparable sensation as if they were “walking on clouds”.

Dressed to impress, I deal an extremely tantalizing experience which involves gentle teasing and stimulation of your body using my hands, body or props. (prostate massagers, different scents, candle play, uniforms, lingerie, scarves, heels, whip, cuffs, toys, ice)…

This has nothing to do with domination, and don’t worry, nothing dangerous can happen while you are in my care. It’s just pure fun with a twist, the pleasure of playing with a light form of power play.

RATES for Tie and tease:

60 min – 200£
90 min – 300£
120 min – 400£